Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Slight change of plans...

Allright, there's been a slight change of plans lately. Sadly I won't be traveling together with my girlfriend, otherwise we'd probably be on the road again by now. Due to the fact that she has other obligations she won't be able to join me so I will stay here for as long as possible, which will be another week or so I guess, before I will head to Italy on my own. From this part in Germany, Prien an Chiemsee, it is possible to get over the Alpes and into Italy in one day, two days if I happen to have no more luck all of a sudden. In Italy the plan is to hitchhike around for a while and then give wwoofing a short. on you can find organic farms where you can work on in exchange for food and a place to sleep. Would be pretty cool to learn new stuff that way. Anyway this explains why I'm not on the road yet and gives you an idea of what will be next. Till next time, Chris

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,
    Wwoof sounds indeed very interesting. a bit like what you see on the elf fantasy festivals ;->
    i envy you and wish you very good luck in finding a nice wwoofy.

